Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Saja-saja buang boring

Today I feel really bored that I decided to post something. Eventhough it's not really a something, it's actually a nothing. I don't even know what I'm talking about (literally, I'm typing, not talking). Whatever. Now straight to the point. I had just accomplished some of my 'things to do' list today which made me so proud of myself. I had printed prayer times from Islamicfinder (not just for me but for my housemates too...kambang aku ah), paid my debts to Syamim, cleaned up my room, watched My Sassy Girl eventhough for only 15 minutes and lastly do our online groceries shopping for the first time! Yaye! I even vacuumed and renovated our living room (boring banar jua sudah tu). At least I've done something productive today. Unlike Syamim...(lain tia plg krajanya...cuba kmu teka apa d buat nya nah..hehe). Astah jahat aku ani eh. Sorry mim...p nda apa. Sama jua blog ani alum g expose...kali lah. Bah atu saja kali berita ku pada hari ani...wabillahitaufikwalhidayah wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. *Lagu abis berita dimainkan*


Ani said...

lolz.. exposed dah..=P

Sleep Queen said...

ler...paksa tah ku mampan muhaku ne :P

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