Happy Birthday Mr President!!!
Ok, on to the next agenda. Today is the last day for winter holidays *sigh*. My life will be back to normal beginning tomorrow. Bangun awal, attend lectures and seminars, essays and tests....the lists go on and on. Nda lagi dapat tidur akhir ne (cam banar.....sama jua tu krg). Alum ku ready kan belajar eh.....lampau banyak enjoy bah cuti ane. But life must go on....eseh. Looking at the bright side, at least I'll have something to do rather than 'memanat' with my housemates everyday and nada jua kuliah malam lagi hehehe...(kali lah...). Pisan eh hari2 wah ketawa saja. I just hope I'll do better this term.
Aishah left our house today after 3 weeks staying with us. It's been great having her around, giving us a lot of valuable tips regarding many issues. Now life has gone back to normal. Sorang2 sibuk dgn keraja masing2. Tomorrow I've only got one seminar to attend. Atu pun nda ku tau ada kh nda. Tapi aku datang saja lah (budak rajin lah katakan...hehe). Bah atu saja kali....telalai ku krg. Tata!
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