Sunday, January 21, 2007

Keberangkatan Wafi melawat 26 Bramshaw Residents

Today Wafi had paid us a visit..hehehe its nice to meet him n dtg kerumah kami lawat2 hehe its been awhile..hahahaha Wafi brought pizza for us..heheh ia mengajar kami cara2 masak pizza nda hangus..hahaha selama ani kami masak selalu hangus..hehehe..we watched movies hahaha 2 movies in a row..Naked Gun n The Devil Wears Prada..hehe Naked Gun cali berabis...hahahaha panat wah movie ah hehhe..

Wafi hangus jua pizza kita atu hahahahha

Wafi n the Gang hahahahaha makan pizza atu
It was nice to have u dropped by the house hehe thnx for the pizza n DVDs. nanti2 dtg lagi bawa Naked Gun part 2 g hehehe.


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