Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Mandi Bunga

I know a lot of people are busy meeting deadlines right now. But you have to get some time to relax. Chill chill bah. Jangantah kan stress-stress ani hehe. Today's post is about mandi bunga. Although I don't know much about it but below are some of the important stuff you need (I think lah...).

Firstly, flowers of course. You can either use fresh flowers or wilted flowers. Since I cannot find any fresh flowers, I just use some flowers yang layu dah di dapur kami ah tapi kalau di usai-usai bulih jadi lawa jua lah hehe. (Sebenarnya ada pulang bunga di luar, tapi malas ku kan mengambil...sajuk bah di luar atu.. I prefer to stay in my room yang kana ucap cam tropical country...ok apa tropical country...).

Dried flowers turned into pot-pourri (decorated by Ani)

Secondly, you need aying untuk mandi and aying bejampi. These are also some of the main ingredients pasal kalau nada nda cia kna panggil 'mandi' bunga, kana panggil tidur bunga cia or makan bunga... Kamu pernah makan bunga? masa damit dulu aku pernah...nda pulang ku tau untuk apa tu...lapas ku makan bunga atu kan... atu wah....emm...forget about it. Back to where I left off..

Aying yang kana jampi (banarnya aying paip pulang ganya ni...gambar sekadar hiasan)

Finally, kamu mesti ada orang tua untuk mandikan kamu. Kalau kan suruh orang muda bulih pulang tapi nda cia sama cam orang mandi bunga banar-banar hehe.

Orang tua modelled by ____ (to protect her identity, I cannot mention her name here but I can tell you personally if you want to know...hehehe *evil smile*)

Additional items:
1. Kain batik. To add some traditional elements for the mandi bunga is by wearing kain batik. For the guys, you can wear kain pelikat.

With its flowery design, it's a perfect wear for a flowery bath

2. Perfume. If the result of mandi bunga does not make you flowery scented, don't worry. You can just spray a bit of perfume and there you have it. Mana jua orang tau tu hehe ;)

If you don't have any perfume, this type of perfume is the best alternative. The good thing about this perfume is that it got essential oils for therapy and cleansing material giving you this great fresh feeling after bath =)

I hope you'll enjoy reading this post. Kalau kan mencuba mandi bunga ani, jangan pulang di ikut caraku ani. Talor jua tu kalau kan diikutkan hehehe :p. Good luck doing work everyone~ :)


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