Friday, February 16, 2007

My 21st Birthday!!

I'm 21 now! hahaha old?? yes, i'm old..hahaha I was given a SUPRISED birtday party by durang..hahaha was I surprised?? Yes i was..hahaha they all were 'complot-ing' me into this..hahah I did expect it coming but not on the day I was having lunch with our lovely MISS NADIAH AHMAD RAFIE..haha rupanya ia kana upah membwa aku jalan2 hahaha nada wah nadz..haha I had a great time lunch sama kau hehehe..n KA CELLS jua..pandai belakon kamu ah hahahaha.. here are some pictures from my brithday...

I got TWO, yes TWO birthday cakes hehehe...hand made birthday cakes..hehe Thank JAKE, ANI, SHAUQI and those involved in making the cakes..hehe nyaman kali ah haha kalah kek tesco yg selalu..hehehehe Thank you for putting an effort into this. =)) lopss u guys..<33

Family that I choose to be with in 24/7 unlimited sunshines LOPS YOU GUYSS!!!hehehe sayang ku kan kamu hehehe

My 21st birthday presents <3

Thank for those that coming and for making my birthday a big success : my housemates (ANI, IZAN,AMAL) hehe love you guys to death =)), the guys (CHIP, JUL, SHAUQI,KASH,JAKE & LIMIN), NADZ ( Lap u babe), KA CELSS (pandai belakon hahaha), APPIIPP & LYDSS (u guys made the party more alive, especially dgn c apip main c elmo saja hahaha), and last but not least KAKA MARTINAH (thanx a lot for coming ka =) )
ANI - thanx a lot for the perfume and rosesss u gave me hehehe, for the party and for being a great housemates and friend, love you alot!!! ani....I love you~ hahahahaha and for the cake jua hahahaha lap u lap u lap u
IZAN- thanx babe for the bag and roses, i love themm..hehehe cana jua kan mun aku yg memilih sendiri hahahaha..thanx also for organizing the party..for being a friend, for being there masa ku kusut masai hahaha..I love you toooooo!! hehehe
AMAL- Thank you for the water globe hehehe ingat th ku kan c gong-chan ni selalu hehe..again same goes to you..thank you for the party..n for always dgnkn aku memanat hahahaha love you too babe hehehe say thanx to MR.S too mal ah hehehe
JUL- Thanxx for the presents, the scarf, chocolates and candle burner hehehe..aku suka jul hahaha they are nice n sweet..hehe n thanx for the party..hehehe teman sejak kecil ku heheh..say thanx to Raimi jua ah hehe
JAKE- Thanxx jake for the present & the cakes & the party & all the laugh hahahaha..nanti udah ku siap membuat ku liat kan kau hehe..aku suka kucing arah the cakes, thank you for puting an effort into it hehe
KASH- Thanxx babeeee for the poster hehehe lawa~~ hhehehe aku suka..n babe thanx also for alwasy being der walaupun aku selalu menumbuk mengampas kau hahahaha p aku sayang kau jua masih hahahaha
SHAUQI- keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hehehehehe I love ur presents hehehe thank you for the cat..hehe c Marie ah hahaha ada jua kucing ku d UK, and also for the kerupuk, mars, cakes, cookies hahahahaha cereal mana kee?? hehehe says thanx to AIMI jua ah hehehe..
CHIP- thanx a lot for the shoesssss hehehehehe they are pretty~~..hehe sayang ku kan pakai chip hahahaha..n thanx for the party jua..for putting an effort..n also for always making me laugh despite selalu 'bekelahi' hahaha
LIMIN- Thanx for the 3 patung u gave me hehehe n the chcocolates hehehe aku suka min...hahaha bnyk jadinya hadiah ku hehehe..n thanx for being a fren as well hehehe..
NADZ- babeeeeeeeeeeee I love youuuuuuu~~~ hahaha thanx for the watch and bunga too hehe aku they say bling bling tah ku ni..hahahaha p nda apa sisters kali ah hahahaha..thanx also for being there for me babe..hehe ups, down, memanat n anggau time hahahaha
APPIPPP- Thanx for the book hahaha cana kau tau aku suka the simpsons?? hahaha pip buku atu plng selalu ku bca hahaha n ketawa ku sorang2 masa membca buku ah hahahaha..thanx a lot pip hehehe
LYDS- hahahaha thanx for coming babeeeeeee hehehe...for everything lah for dgnkn aku d class siring c 'ehem2' hahaha nanti tani nyanyi arah nya lyds hahaha lagu 'i luv u' ah hahahaha
KA CELL- Hahaha pandai belakon rupanya hehehe..thanx for coming to the party..n for making it a big success n fun hehehe
KAKA MARTINAH- thank you for the watch ka..hehe i love it..hehe n thank you for coming as well..=)
REZA- thank you for the birthday song! heheeh lawa rez hahaha akan ku ingat selalu kau asal ku dnrg lagu atu plng saja tu =p hahaha nada wah
AISYAH- Thanx for the chocolates..=)
MY KAMBING FEEZAH- thanx beng for the present hehehe..i lap u n i miss youuuuuu~
MY KAMBING TQAH- thanx for the duvet cover beng..hehe i lap you too..asal ku pakai duvet cover atu aku akan sentiasa mengingati mu hehehe
HIM- Thank you for everything..<333333333333333333
and thanx a lot for those that made an effort to wish me a happy birthday =) thank you berabis you guys..
The party was FUN, my best birthday ever..thanx guys for making it a big success..for making me feel like a princess that day =) saaaaaaayyyyyaaaaaaangggggggg kamu semua banar2!!!


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