Sunday, January 21, 2007

S.eringgit B.oys Club

The President of S.eringgit B.oys C.lub

S.eringgit B.oys Club?? What is it? This is a club established by Reza who happened to be the president of this club. Whats the benefits you'll get if joining this club?? I also dunno hahahaha U need to ask him urself. But the good thing about this club is that, despite the name S.eringgirt B.oys C.lub, it doesnt matter waht sex u r, wether u'r a boy or a girl or in between..dpt jua join!!! hehe so hurry up!!! and join the join this club..u can just simply dial 00-0000000-000 hahaha

P.S: Rez aku promote kan club mu dah ni..bah bila lanja? =p hahahaha


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